Sunday, November 30, 2008

I'm back!

I have decided to return to blogging! I took a small break after I felt like I was forcing the posts - I feel there wasn't much interesting to blog about. But now, with Suzi's begging and the holidays coming up, I have decided to return - get ready for some overexcited posts about Christmas!

Here are a few house/life updates from the past few weeks:
  1. Our blinds were installed and we finally took down our functional but not so aesthetically pleasing paper blinds.
  2. Darn the refrigerator - it broke again. The service technician got it working again for the time being. If it breaks again, I am going to raise even more hell for GE.
  3. Sadly, my grandma passed away right before Thanksgiving. I'm going to miss her.
  4. Joe and I spent Thanksgiving at my house. It was very nice to see my family and we had a good time!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Saturday, November 8, 2008

An exciting purchase!

Today Joe let me buy this penguin mug . There was an entire Christmas section already set up at Target (they were even playing Christmas music) and I couldn't pass up getting something seasonal. I love Christmas!!!

Also, I purchased a white pea coat. I wonder how many days I will wear it until I get it dirty - I am accepting wagers for the over/under of one week.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Poker, Football, Beer...

What has Joe done to me? Here I am, playing poker and watching football with a beer in hand - none of which I would do without my husband's influence. We each have a fantasy football player involved in the Thursday night football game (go browns!).

Otherwise, there hasn't been anything too exciting happening in our lives. Our blinds have been delivered - now we just have to wait for the Lowe's employee to install them. We look forward to getting rid of our paper blinds. Our goal for this weekend is to possibly purchase some panel curtains for our sliding glass doors.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Wedding Photos

Over the past few weeks, I have been putting off ordering wedding photographs. There are so many I would like to order and trying to narrow them down seems like a daunting task. Finally, last night - as Joe and I watched the Steelers on Monday Night Football - I started selecting the pictures I would most like ordered. I kept in mind that I needed to limit myself only to the pictures that I would like to frame or hang about the house. The list I made was long.

The next step will be to go through the list a few more times, with the objectives to weed out a few more as well as decide on the sizes. Hopefully the order should be officially placed by the end of this week. I look forward to putting them around the house!