Monday, August 31, 2009


Yesterday morning, we got a call from the vet at my Dad's work and they reported that she had finally had something to eat! After 5 days on a liquid diet, she finally felt well enough to have a meal! Eating is one of the best signs we could have for parvo. The vet said we could take her home since she was responding to treatment and starting to improve. So I picked her up that afternoon and took her back to New Castle where she promptly threw up on the floor...nice to have her back.

It really is though, she's still sick and will throw up occasionally but she is healing and will hopefully be close to 100% within the week!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

She's one sick puppy.

After visiting the vet on both Thursday and Friday, Bailey was still vomiting. The vet suggested hospitalizing her so that she could have a constant drip from an IV. At her practice, they are not there 24 hours a day, so I decided to take Bailey to the best doctor I dad! Yesterday afternoon, I drove her to Akron Veterinary Referral Clinic, where one of my dad's colleagues took her in and started more intensive treatment. I don't like not being able to be with her 24/7 but I know she's in good hands which will give her the best chance of survival.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Feel Better Soon.

She still hasn't eaten anything but she has been drinking water and holding it down. She has been refusing human food - the vet had instructed to feed her boiled chicken, rice, and other bland foods. If she doesn't have her appetite back by tomorrow morning, the vet said to bring her back in.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Parvo :(

Well we found out today that Bailey has the parvovirus. Some of the signs were vomiting and diarrhea, and if that didn't set off a red flag, her not eating breakfast (never seen a dog turn down food) was a big signal! I called the vet and they accommodated us without an appointment. After some tests, they concluded it was parvo which she most likely picked up at the shelter. Joe and I are nervous for her now since it can be a very serious illness. Hopefully she will start feeling better after a few days!

Monday, August 24, 2009

We got her!

Please welcome the new member of the Patrick family! My mom and dad came in from Solon to join us in welcoming Bailey - we were very happy that she hadn't been taken on Saturday and that she was overly friendly when we met with her. Here we are on the way home from the Humane Society:

Getting acquainted at her new home:
Taking her first nap:
Many more picture to come over the coming weeks!

A New Addition...

Maybe. Last week, Joe and I went to the Lawrence County Humane Society...twice. After our first trip we had fallen in love with a 4 month old female Shepherd Mix. Our first visit had been on Tuesday around 3:00 and the Shepherd Mix (a stray) had been brought in at 1:00 that same day. We weren't allowed to interact with her yet because of the Humane Society's rules, but we applied for her anyways.

On Saturday, we found that our application was approved and we could adopt, however, we wanted to interact with her first before we finalized the decision. She might not be so cute if she bites. They said they couldn't hold her for us, that if someone wanted to adopt her on Saturday that she might be gone on Monday when we came. So, barring that no one came and swooped her up between noon and 4:30 on Saturday, we may be getting a dog...TODAY!

Sunday, August 23, 2009


We stopped in Ogunquit, and Kennebunkport (we saw Bush's vacation home) as we meandered our way up the coast of Maine Friday. We saw two lighthouses, the first was unfortunately fogged over, so pictures didn't come out well. The second is the picture I posted on Friday, it was so nice that it was difficult to take a bad picture!

Yesterday, we had breakfast at Becky's Diner and then made it to the 11 AM tour of the Shipyard Brewery! We saw a short film, toured the bottling line and had a tasting of their beers. Their fall pumpkinhead was my favorite and the XXXX IPA with 9.8% alcohol was Joe's pick.

After that we got ready for the wedding and headed off to my cousin't house, where they held her ceremony and reception. They had a huge tent set up in anticipation of rain but the weather was beautiful (humid and sunny...sticky). It was a great evening and was very nice to be a guest and not the honored one of the night!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Joe and I are off to Maine early tomorrow morning. My cousins wedding is taking place at her parent's home in Portland on Saturday. My parents, Katie and Megan will all be there so it will be nice to have a mini-family vacation with them.

We will be flying into Boston and then taking a short road trip up the coast to Portland. It's a 2 hour trip if you take the highway straight there but we are planning on taking our time winding up the coastal roads. Pictures of lighthouses to come!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Living Quarters.

We checked on our house in Mt. Washington today and all was well. We picked up some clothes, food and other essentials as we are slowly moving our possessions to Joe's brother's condo.

I don't think we ever posted the fact that we have been living at his parents house for the past two weeks. It's been great - Mrs. Patrick is nice enough to do our laundry and cook dinner for us. We are becoming quite spoiled! We are hoping to have enough furniture in the condo by next week so that we can move.

The only bad part about being in New Castle is that the drive to New Kensington where we work is a little over an hour long. However, it's worth it to not having to keep our living space spotless everytime we leave the house.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Guess Who?

That's right - it's young Joe! We have been cleaning out and moving Joe's grandfather's from his house to a new condo. We have come across some great photos!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Day off!

I had the day off yesterday so I decided to head back to Solon to see Suzi and my parents! It was nice to see Suzi's house that she has been redoing. Her new kitchen looks wonderful - I should have taken in a picture. But instead, I took a picture of this:

Suzi testing driving a Vespa that she is most likely going to purchase! After the Vespa shopping, my parents, Suzi and I walked to the Glenwillow Grill for dinner to cap off a nice visit. It's their turn to visit me now!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Memory Lane.

I took a trip to State College today with Mrs. Patrick. We went up to help clean Joe's brother's apartment - she likes to do a good clean every year so as to keep it inhabitable. It was nice being back at Penn State even though I didn't get to see much of the campus. Hopefully, Joe and I will be able to go to a football game sometime this fall. Let's go PSU!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Bedroom Set.

Here are some pictures of the bedroom set that was delivered today. The mirror is huge!

Monday, August 3, 2009


We have started to furnish Jono's apartment in New Castle. We have the bedroom set being delivered on Thursday and the mattress, a couch and a recliner are coming next Wednesday. We figure after we have a bed, we can start moving some of our things in and make the transition. I'll post pictures as the new furniture comes in.