This afternoon, we prepared for our Halloween Housewarming party. It really will be a small gathering of Joe's friends and their significant others but it still feels like a party to us. Our neighbors are having a 300 person party tonight that will put our party to shame.
Trick-or-treaters started coming by at 5:30. Joe and I thought our 200 some pieces of candy would suffice, we were severely wrong. Those little munchkins must have been taking more than one piece because we were all out of candy in a little over an hour. We shut off the lights and hid upstairs...ashamed. It was our first time being on this "side of the bag" - meaning it was our first time handing out candy and that is our excuse for why were ill prepared. Next year we will stock up!
Joe's Pumpkin: left
Lauren's Pumpkin: right
I's suprised about the pumpkins. Have fun!
Joe's does look surprisingly good!
Yes it does
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