Monday, December 1, 2008


Here is another house problem I forgot to complain about:

A week or two ago, our garage started to smell horrible. I thought I had a dead, rotting pigeon on the bottom of my tire - that's how unpleasant the stench was. However, we discovered that the culprit of the putrid odor was the sewage backing up into our garage...ewww, gross.

After further investigation, we found that the plumber had messed up and caused this issue. Therefore, we will continue to have construction going on at our house. Does this kind of thing happen with all new homes? Always a few kinks to be worked out before all is well?


Busyteacheramy said...

Well, it can't be as gross and going downstairs to the basement to do your laundry and SEEING your sewage containments on YOUR FLOOR! At least it didn't get that bad- enjoy the construction:o)

Anonymous said...


Lauren said...

Yea, we thought it was just mud in the garage...not the case...