With most of the wedding planned and packed for Pittsburgh, I thought it might be nice to do a small house update. Progress has been slow but things are wrapping up on Mount Washington. One of the last things to be done is the spiral staircase which was just finished today. We had an unfortunate set back with the master shower. When the glass for the shower finally arrived and was ready to be installed, the installer discovered that none of the pieces were cut correctly. So, now we have to wait for the glass to be re-ordered. They say that will be done while we are on our honeymoon so we will look forward to seeing that finished when we come back. Otherwise, Joe and I are going to spend our first night in the house on Sunday. It will be a short stay since we will be leaving very early Monday morning for Hawaii!
Joe was at the house today to receive our kitchen table. Here are a couple pictures he took:

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