Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Reporting a Theft!

Somebody stole our beautiful hanging basket of petunias last night. I can see a large foot print in the soil in front of our porch so I'm am assuming the the thief was male wearing approximately a size 12. I doubt this will be enough evidence to catch the stealing **expletive**...

On a better note, I fixed the coffee maker this morning!


Melissa Angert {All Things Chic} said...

well, if you're going steal something, at least steal something cool! WIERD!!

Suzi said...

Maybe if you report my GPS and the flowers you can get attention from the police.

Anonymous said...

I'll take your hangning plant and raise it a GPS with no power chord

nicole said...

someone stole sticks from our yard the other day...i wasn't really upset cause i didn't really know how to get rid of them anyway...but really...a hanging plant?

btw- mom said you want to come run the half with us on oct 18th?? comeeee!!!